Filtering individual kanban columns

I was wondering how I could setup a kanban header item to have a select option of the Teams for that row (not the tasks assigned to each Team), and then filter just that one column. e.g.

There are 3 columns: to-do, in progress and completed.

Within those 3 columns: progress and completed are split into two teams/rows for Team 1 and Team 2. Then all of teams tasks are stored below their individual headers within the column.

—I have up to here working—

Then you want to filter the progress column so instead of showing both teams, it only shows one team and their tasks when a select option is changed in the columns header.

Solved it, to some extent (it doesn’t adjust the heights of the rows). The code for anyone wondering is:

With “progressSelect” being the id for the select menu, and “inprogress” being the id for the kanban column.

  $$("progressSelect").attachEvent("onChange", function(newv, oldv) {
		var o = $$("inprogress").gd.q;
		for(var i=0;i<o.length;i++) {
			if (newv == "0") {
				o[i] = "block";
			} else if (o[i].filter) {
				if (o[i] == newv) {
					o[(i-1)] = "block";
					o[i] = "block";
				} else {
					o[(i-1)] = "none";
					o[i] = "none";