Form -> how to submit a From?

How do I submit the Form data?

On one of the examples call “;”, but when I try to use this method, I’m getting an error “ is not a function”, which is true, there is no such Form Method.

So, how do I provide URL where to send the request, and what method to call to submit?

You can use

webix.ajax("some.php", form.getValues());

Which will send all data from the form to the some.php script. If you need to send data by post request - it can be done like

webix.ajax().post("some.php", form.getValues());

Tried to test using Form initialization via XML.

Several problems:

  1. If JavaScript code for Button.Click is delivered via XML Element with CDATA (the most reliable way), then Webix does not recognize Button.Click via XML Element.

  2. If JavaScript code for Button.Click is delivered via XML attribute (unreliable), then Webix does recognize Button.Click code, but I have to be careful with special characters in code, that can be treated as xml data.
    Tried the generated code on “”, the code does not work, the entire form is not rendered:
    If I remove “toolbar” node, including buttons, the code renders fine.

  3. Tried the generated code on my local site with lates Webix codebase from 02.13.2014. The code works, but:

webix.ajax().post(“FormProcessor.ashx”, form.getValues())

does not send any data.
The POST request is empty, no parameters in request.

Any ideas?

Was a regression, just grab the 1.5 package again ( it was patched )

As for getValues - only inputs with “name” attribute will be included in the post ( similar to normal html form )
