Form submit button disable

I have designed form with two buttons 1) submit 2) cancel
but my question is, i need to disable the submit button until any changes are made in the form.

please help me on this…Thank You.

You can use “disabled” API

Thank you maksim…how to can i enable the button when any changes are made?
Here is my sample code

From the above form, i need to enable login button when anything enter into the input fileds or Form.At the same time when i made form empty then again it has to go disable mode…please excuse typos

Please help me…

Thank you

You can use onChange event ( or onKeyPressed ) and .enable API

Thank you maksim…how to can i enable the button when any changes are made?

From the above form,From includes input, dropdown, checkbox etc, If I change any value using mouse or keybord button we should enable the button. Instead of using the onChange method at every place. we need to use something at one place to do the same action.

Please help me…

Thank you

There are two solutions

a) use onChange handlers ( form itself has onChange event that must work if any input in the form was changed. Unfortunately it is partially broken in Webix 2.2 )

b) you can poll the form state each n milliseconds and update state of button when value is changed.

Awesome maksim…Thank you great help…