Frozen Headers

am wondering if it’s possible to ‘freeze’ header rows, in addition to columns.

ie: assume that you want the first 3 rows in a table to be fixed, how best to implement that?

best I’ve been able to come up with so far is to put components in the header using html:

{view: ‘datatable’, height: 500,

columns: [

   {id: "column_one", width: 230, header: [


       "<div style='text-align: right'>Price:</div>",

       "<div style='text-align: right'>Total volume:</div>",

       "<div style='text-align: center; font-weight: bold'>Bidders</div>"


     {id: 'previous', width: 150, header: [


       "<input type='text' style='text-align: center'/>",

       "<input type='text' style='text-align: center'/>",




The other option I can think of is to use 2 datables, one for fixed header rows, and the other for non-fixed rows, with the horizontal scrollbars of the two tables synchronized.

However, that seems like functionality that’s better off in the Webix core.

There is no way to freeze header’s rows.
You can have multi-line headers though.

Can you share a sketch of desired UI ?

I tried multi-line headers, but my problem is that I need text input boxes in those headers (or at least, labels which have id’s so that I can edit their contents)

You can place any html in the header
