function in the editor(row in Treetable)

How to use this function in the editor:

editor: function (obj) {return “text”}?

You can get editor object in the treetbale’s onBeforeEditStop and onAfterEditStop events

treetable.attachEvent("onAfterEditstop", function(values, editor){..code ..});

Also, an object of a currently opened editor can be accessed with the help of getEditor method.

Thank you.
But I want the cell(treetable) to edit or not, depending on the conditions.
if (…) {editor = ‘text’} else { …}
I want to change the type of editor.
How to do it?

How can I change the editor (cell of treeTable) dynamically (for each row)?

to the cell is not being edited (e.g. editor = ‘text’ or editor = ‘’).

If you want to make a cell (or row, column…) non-editable, you can block the editability in the handler of the onBeforeEditStart event.

     if(cell.column=='rating') //your logic when cell should be non editable
        return false;

Thanks, it works