Hello, I’m trying to make a dynamically sized grid of iframes, and to do this I need to find the current dimensions of the grid. For example, I might start with only a single iframe instance as a 1x1 grid but want to resize it to a 2x3 grid of iframes without overriding existing the existing instance.
Is there something in Webix analogous to [HTML table].rows.length and [HTML table].rows[0].cells.length? I tried using $$(‘myRows’).rows, but this returned undefined rather than the expected array.
getChildNodes() method of layout returns an array of child views. So, the following will be a number of rows/cols:
var num = layout.getChildNodes().length;
Hi Maria,
I get “TypeError: $$(…).getChildNodes is not a function” when I try using that method…
Correct name is getChildViews, sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks that fixed it!