Get row index/position in template function


I’m trying to match the colors of a datatable elements with a chart’s elements.

Highcharts (the lib we’re using) has the ability to specify and array of colors.

I would like to get the color from this array based on the row index, so the row color would match highcharts color.

I have not found a rowIndex or something like this to get the index in the tamplate function.

Is this possible?

For datatable, seems more convenient to useready handler with the eachRow method:

If necessary, you can get this info from the column’s template as well.
( template of datatable has extra parameters, which are not available in other components )

@maksim 's solution works well.

Thanks, both of you. =)

And just one more question, these parameters available for the datatable column’s template, are they documented anywere?