google-map view in a GroupList

Hi Webix team, is it possible to integrate a google-map view into a GroupList?
Thanks for advice

Technically, it is possible to render a map inside of list’s item. Still, it may be not the best approach, as items in the list is repainted after some actions, which can cause problems for the map widget.

Can you provide some more info about UI which you need to have?

Hi maksim, here is an example: this is working, but I need the right arrow icon in the “Google Map” Line. Thanks Rainer

Next adds icon to all items

And next one, adds icon to the map item only

Thanks maksim, that’s a great solution. A lot of thanks to the webix team for the real good support. I love webix, but it’s lightning fast, easy to learn und available for low cost. Merry Christmas from Germany