GridSuggest DataCollection

Trying to sync gridsuggest with DataCollection. But I failed.

    view: "combo", name: "product_id", label: "Kod", id: "product_combo", options: {
    view: "gridsuggest",
    body: {
        columns: [
            {id: "name", header: "Ürün", width: 100},
            {id: "unit_price", header: "Birim Fiyatı", width: 250, format: webix.i18n.priceFormat}
        scroll: true,
        autoheight: false,
        yCount: 5,
        data: products,
    template: function (item) {

products is my DataCollection. What’s the best way to sync them?

You can use the same code as for normal DataTable

 body: {
        columns: [

and later

$$("gdt1").sync( dataCollection );

After I change any data in products page, It looks like below

Works for me

I don’t know why but It doesn’t work for admin-app.

Can you share a snippet of a demo link where problem occurs ?