
Greetings -

New to Webix … I’m looking for a way to wire GridSelect to a server method versus an array. There’s a clear example for a ui.text widget setting the ‘suggest’ property to a URL. I haven’t been able to hack my way into GridSuggest doing the same :slight_smile:

Any tips would be much appreciated.


Correction: I wrote ‘GridSelect’, I meant GridSuggest – so sorry.


Check the snippet:

Thanks VERY much for your reference … as I’m getting better acquainted with Webix, I discovered my question would have been more detailed and relating to wiring server-based filtering to the Datatable that’s acting as the master control’s ‘suggest’ object.

I ended up using plain old ‘list’ with a template, but I’ll be taking your suggestion and experimenting with Datatable server-side filtering (BTW it’s a HUGE dataset on the server side :slight_smile:

Thank you again –