When we define an headermenu on datatable with standard distribution, it’s OK.
But when we replace js/css from ‘Skin builder’ (compact), headermenu stops working while version of js is 3.0.8
Headermenu is an element of Webix Pro. Skinbuilder archive contains js-file of the standard edition of Webix.
You should replace only the webix.css, add the skin.js on your page and preserve your original webix.js file.
There are some “style” differences with ‘original’ JS (height of datatable lines for example -compact-) but we’ll be able to manage css manually.
Thank you.
There are some “style” differences with ‘original’ JS
Be sure to include the skin.js file from the skin package. Including this file is an alternative to the replacing webix.js
Also, be sure that you are using latest version of Webix Pro ( as skin builder always uses the latest build )
We omit to include skin.js! Now, all is OK. Thank you.