Headermenu in DataTable

Hi everybody…

In this snippet: http://webix.com/snippet/f3d549d0

The first datatable, work fine headermenu, in second example only show firts column because I use css style for header, I resolve, if add custom data in headermenu, like third example.

For me, third example work fine, but, if someboy have this problem.


No… headermenu is: http://docs.webix.com/datatable__headermenu.html

Is like this did you mean ?

{view: "toolbar", cols: [{view: "button", id: "add-btn", value: "Add", width: 100}]},


By default, <div> has display:block property, so the value is moved to the next row, which is not visible with headermenu’s default height and hidden overflow. You need to use <span> instead of <div> or add the additional styling.

With <span> work fine… thanks

Best regards