Hi Guys
I’ve only just started playing with Webix, so probably a stupid mistake. I can’t get $$(“form”).getValues() to work, where $$(“edit”).getValue() does work… Could somebody please point me in the right direction -
var add_category_click = function()
// webix.alert($$("ex1").getValue());
var category_win = {
view : "window",
modal : true,
position : "center",
id : "category-win",
css : "bradius",
head : { height : 38, template: "New category" },
body : {
view : "form",
id : "category-form",
padding : 18,
elements : [
{ view:"text", value:"Extra 1", label:"Ex 1", name:"ex1" },
{ view:"text", value:"Extra 2", label:"Ex 2", name:"ex2" },
{ cols:[
{ view:"button", label:"Add", width:150, click: add_category_click },
{ view:"button", label:"Cancel", width:150, click: '$$("category-win").hide();' },
Also just a side note, not sure if alert() would display an array (javascript newb!) but I’ve tried webix.ajax() and whilst the request is sent to the server, there is data in the request.