Hidden input in uploader

Is there anyway to manage the hidden upload field created by uploader? As you can see in http://i.imgur.com/OgGakNf.png the field is placed over the icon beneath the actual uploader (which is the folder-open icon).

I have it configured as { view:‘uploader’, id: ‘fileimport’, name:‘fileimport’, css:‘uploaderbtn’, multiple:false, type:‘icon’, icon:‘folder-open’, width:30, upload:‘ss/anexos.php?mod=guardartemp’, on: handler}

In modern browsers webix uses HTML5 api, so while input element is created it is a 1px x 1px box

Default styling of this element is the next

.webix_hidden_upload {
  height: 1px;
  width: 1px;

In which browser issue occurs for you ?

Chrome 39.0.2171.95 (64-bit). I’ve placed that css in my custom css file and it’s still the same.

Edit: Just tested it in Safari 8.0.2 (10600.2.5) and the same thing happens.

Please check the next snippet


It uses exactly the same code and as you can see even with increased size and added borders real input is just a dot, not a big tag.

Maybe you have some custom css on the page, that causes the issue.

I’ve inspected the snipped using Chrome and the big tag is still there: http://i.imgur.com/5111mD4.png

If I click anywhere in that area, the file selector pops up. Same happens in Safari.

Edit: Tried the snippet in Firefox 34 and it works as intended. Seems to be a browser issue with Chrome and Safari. Not sure about IE and Opera.

Edit 2: If the uploader is located at the bottom of a layout, when the file selector open, it shifts all other components up so it can fit the ‘hidden’ field, for example: http://i.imgur.com/bRsTdsO.png. The uploader the arrow-up icon. All icons where near the segmented buttons and got bumped up when I tried to upload a file.

Please grab Webix 2.1.14 from support area, it must fix the above issue.

( I can’t fully reconstruct the issue, but after the latest update native file input will not affect the view rendering and will be not clickable for sure )

Thank you, it did indeed fix the issue.