Hiding toolbar items

Hello webix team,

I recognized that if you call showBatch on a toolbar, hidden items within the batch are shortly displayed (e.g. icons). This leads to a flickering effect.

Is there a way how I can avoid this behavious?

Many thanks, Peter


Could you provide a snippet of the issue?

Hi Listopad,

I have created the following snipped:

Maybe you do not see the effect in the snipped editor. But if you set a breakpoint right after the showBatch function you will see that the icon is initially shown and then hidden.

Best Regards, Peter

It’s not a common way to show an icon on the toolbar. You need to use

view: 'icon',
icon: 'asterisk'

instead of the html template.


Hi Listopad,

thanks for the hint. But the problem still remains. If you do showBatch hidden items are shown first and then hidden.

Regards, Peter