How can i disable scroll/blockselect on a specific column

in a datatable, when using blockselect and scrolling on a touch based device (at least iPad) i get both at the same time → the initial selection gets moved up/down.
i need blockselect only on specific columns, so i would like to disable scrolling one column and disable blockselect on the other columns.
Is this possible?

Also there is a bug on touch devices:
If the table is scrolled to the left, the block selection is to the left of the actual selected area.

I’m gonna tell how i ended up changing the webix_debug source code to disable scrolling:
I added
if (“no_scroll”) == -1) { … }
around the code in webix.Touch:_init_scroller
and added css style “no_scroll” to the columns.

Disabling blockselect can be done like this:
myDataTable.attachEvent(“onbeforeblockselect”, function(e){
if (e.column != “Votes”)
return false;

Both are not the “webix way”, but since no one replied, i thought i might share anyway.


blockselection uses the same events as touch scrolling. So, it makes sense to disable blockselection for scrollable views on touch devices:

blockselect: !webix.env.touch,

Yes, onBeforeBlockSelect event can be used to disable selection in specific cases.