How do I get a list off ALL rows, even filtered ones?

So, I realize I can iterate over the list of all rows in the Datatable by calling:
dtable.eachRow(function(row) {
// Do Something

But that seems to only iterate over the list of rows that are NOT filtered out.

I am having a situation where I filter out a set of rows, but then I have some desire to iterate over the entire dataset (including the filtered out rows), change some data within that set, and re-apply the filter.

Is my best way to do this as follows:
dtable.filter(function(a) {
return true;

dtable.each(function(a) {
// Do somethng

// Re-filter now that changes are made
dtable.filter(function(a) {
// Re-apply filter

That seems very labor intensive for no reason, so I am sure there is a better way. There has to be a way to get the full set of data I would assume! Thanks!

“eachRow” has a second parameter

Just use dtable.eachRow(functor, true); to iterate through all rows in the datatable