How to hide the auto generated id field from pivot config window

In the pivot table an attribute named ‘id’ is automatically added with the data. So in the config window it shows that as a field. From user point of view that field is useless. How can I hide that field?

Try the following:

    view: "pivot",
       onPopup: function(popup){
                      return item.text != "id";

Most probably we will make it a default behavior in the next update.

Thanks Maria. If I have a column named “id” then it removed that column also.

Pivot, as well as other Webix components, process “id” property in a special way. It is not recommended to use the “id” name for a data property ( there may be data parsing issues in case of non-unique id values for example )

I was thinking if its possible to have option to pass as a flag when initiating the pivot to decide whether we should show it or not. We will handle the “id” field internally without showing it. Like

view: “pivot”,
showId: true/false,


Can you please describe some scenario where id can be used in the pivot?

It has not sense to use ID for data aggregation, and it is not very useful for filtering as well. Do you have some other scenario in mind?

I agree that probably “id” field is not directly related with data aggregation. That is why I wanted not to show the “id” field. I am using a system where user can define a dynamic column/fields manipulation one or more columns from existing data set by giving a name for that. So we may have a chance to get “id” (though not meaningful) filed.

We will consider such functionality. Please beware that currently id property is processed in quite special way, and it is not recommended to store anything except unique item’s id in this property.