how to populate dynamically value in editior richselect.

If i am using push method inside controller to add the value in editior richselect its populate value in richselect .its working fine but same thing if I have done in on load then that value is not populate in richselect .there is any other method to add the value and populate in richselect in onload.please give some sample if possible.

Can you share the problematic code please ?

Here,In ResultArray all the data is present,finalOptions is collection array of editor,

if(ResultArray!=undefined && ResultArray!=null && ResultArray!=""){
	for(var Index=0;Index<ResultArray.length;Index++){
		var value=ResultArray[Index];
	if(finalOptions!=null && value!=undefined && value!=null && value!=''){
	  finalOptions.push({ id:""+value+"", value:""+value+""});

the above code is working fine under controller,if i write same code inside load method then value is not populating in richselect.

How are you using finalOptions with Webix UI?

The code for data filling is perfectly fine, but how finalOptions is linked to the richselect editor in your code?

I am using like this in my Webix UI,
{ id:“title”, editor:“richselect”, collection:finalOptions, header:“Title” , width:90},

The above code will read data from finalOptions collection during UI initialization. if data will be pushed in the finalOptions after that moment, it will not be reflected in the editor.