How to re-calculate group sums in editable treetable?

I’ve treetable (editable) with a number column. In Grouping lines I use the map-sum function to get the group sum.

How can I let webix re-calc that group sum if i’ve edited the number in an item line?

thanks for suggestions,

The group functionality is applied only during grouping.
You can use


but it is rather expensive way

Very expensive, and you have to take care to keep opened branches, selection etc.

Would be VERY nice feature for Webix2.0! - or are there other ways to get this problem solved easily?

Yep, we plan to extend math functionality. In version 2.0 it will support aggregation operations, so it will be possible to define value of cell as sum ( or some other math operation ) of sub rows values ( and it will be updated automatically when value in some of sub rows was changed )