when i type something on a column (lets say ‘a’) on sheet 3 and then after stop typing the focus is going to the next row under the column ‘a’ and then again its coming back to the column ‘a’
And also if i have simply scrolled to 35th or 40th row, after 5 seconds it automatically scrolls to the top of the sheet.
While there’s no option not to move cell selection after editing, the scroll can be set back as:
var scroll = $$("test").$$("cells").getScrollState();
if(scroll.x>0 || scroll.y>0)
$$("test").$$("cells").scrollTo(scroll.x, scroll.y);
So, as you can see, you will have the visual tweak while reloading anyway.
looks like you are trying to share a workbook between users and want to inform each one about changes made by others.
I would advise to use websockets and send / receive only updated parts immediately on change. certainly you will have to implement a bit more complex logic. but you will not have the above problems.
Yep, besides constant updates, you may consider web sockets. Webix offers the intergation with Faye messaging system in the form of a server proxy.
@intregal You are very correct.
@Helga Yes, i’m looking for collaboration only and the efficient way is using web sockets. I’ll do it with the above link.