how to remove the order data from data table that was saved in the local storage?

I hide few columns,reordered few more columns, saved the state by using local storage. Now I want to remove only the order object before I am setting any new state to the grid.

The parameter of setState must have only part of settings, for example it can have only ids and size collections to reset sizes and order of columns.

Or you can provide the object without ids property to apply all other settings except of the column order

Thanks Maksim

Can you provide any sample please

You need to provide “size” property to affect order. This is a bug and will be fixed in the next update ( providing just ids will be enough )

Thanks maksim :slight_smile:

When I am trying to set the state by adding hidden property it is throwing error

var defaultState = {

ids:[“column1”, “column2”, “column3”, “column4”, “column5”],

size:[50, 80, 150, 400, 150]


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘node’ of undefined webix.js:769
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘id’ of undefined webix.js:706

Hiding column through setState works correctly in my tests

Is there any version that these things are updated? Please let me know the version that is supporting?

Hi Makism,

Please let me know is there any settings/update that needs to be done from my end

There was not major updates in setState in Webix 2.1, so the above must work for any Webix 2.x versions. This also doesn’t require any special settings to work correctly.

In oncoming Webix 2.2 we will update functionality a bit, by allowing to use ids config alone without mandatory “widths” as necessary in the current version.

If you have a support subscription - please contact us at

Thanks Maksim.

I need your input on one more issue, can you please help me out below is the link that I posted.