How to select all rows in a grid (datatable)

How to select all rows in a grid (datatable)? I tried with :

  1. $$(‘datatable’).select()
  2. $$(‘datatable’).select([‘rowId1’, ‘rowId2’])
  3. $$(‘datatable’).selectAll()
    None of the above methods worked.

Please help ASAP!

You can look at this.

Thank you for the prompt response.

keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+A” should select all the records (rows) in the grid. If the datatable has 10 rows, hitting Ctrl+A should select all the 10 rows. Please help. Thanks in advance.

Here is

Thank you. - throws an error when select() method used for selecting all the rows.

I think you missed the point.

Did you read the docs?


I’m not sure is there a better way to do but it will work.

Thank you so much :). Really appreciate for the prompt response.

1 more point it seems like you dont need getRange()

Yeah, it works without getRange(). Thank you!

You can also try the selectRange method to select all rows in datatable:


Yes. That looks better

thank you.