I am able to navigate through the menu items by pressing up and right arrows. When I choose the menu item which has submenu and pressed enter key, I am unable to show the submenu.
below is the code I tried :
view: "contextmenu",
id: "dtContextMenu",
navigation: true,
select: true,
css: "webix-contextmenu",
template: "#value#",
master: $$("myGrid")
$$('dtContextMenu').attachEvent("onAfterLoad", function () {
webix.UIManager.addHotKey("enter", itemContextMenu.Controller.testEnter, $$('dtContextMenu'));
testEnter: function()
webix.UIManager.removeHotKey("enter", null, $$("dtContextMenu"));
webix.message("Inside Test Enter Method");
var view = $$("dtContextMenu");
if (view.name == "contextmenu")
var id = view.getSelectedId();
var submenu = view.getSubMenu(id);
//code to show submenu for selected Menu item