How to stack correctly

I’m using the toolbar. But somehow when more buttons are placed on the toolbar, the layouting does something unexpecting:

Example of wrong layout:

When we remove a button (like button with id “test”), it stacks correctly.
How to control this ?


Hello @johan1

Thank you for providing the example!
In my tests, I had to remove at least two buttons to see the difference (extra space to the right of buttons disappeared), but regardless of that, this behaviour definiitely will be investigated - we’ll come back to you with the results.
I also noticed that the layout adjusts properly to the total width of buttons if minWidth is removed from it - so this is at least a temporary solution to control sizing.

Could you please also describe the desired result if there are not enough space for the full toolbar (since the layout had minWidth) - are the buttons expected to be hidden in the overflow?