IE11 (latest) and Uploader - onFileUpLoadError triggers but no error ?

A strange behavior for my uploader with IE11. Everything is ok with chrome,safari,ff but with IE11 onFileUploadError: function (item, response) is triggered. THIS IS NOT A RESPONSE FROM THE SERVER (everything is ok on the server side, file is completed and the server send an http 200 { … status : server }

Here what i got :
item = {context: undefined, file: File {…}, id: 1445359218440, name: “dsn-cockpit…”, size: 65836, sizetext: “64.29 Kb”, status: “error”, type: “txt”, xhr: XMLHttpRequest {…}}

Any idea ?

update : and no “onUpLoadComplete” event happens despite the server response !

Is it

{ "status" : "server" }


{ status: "server" }

The second one is an invalid JSON, and will not be processed correctly.
If the issue still occurs, please provide the full text of server response for the problematic case.

If response has valid status and can be parsed as JSON object, it must be processed as successful upload.

server answer with IE11(HTTP 200)

{ “status”: “server”, “sname”:“C \Users\jpv\Downloads\dsn-cockpit-test.txt”}

server answer with Chrome (HTTP 200)

{“status”: “server”, “sname”: “dsn-cockpit-test.txt”}

With IE, the file is correclty upload to the server, the server send back the answer but with IE, it’s the onFileUploadError event which is triggered with the parameter : {context: undefined, file: File {…}, id: 1445359218440, name: “dsn-cockpit…”, size: 65836, sizetext: “64.29 Kb”, status: “error”, type: “txt”, xhr: XMLHttpRequest {…}}

xhr is null.

I’m stuck.

I found ! It works.

Windows (server) + IE for client.
The server replies

{ “status”: “server”, “sname”:“C \Users\jpv\myfiles\dsn-cockpit-test.txt”}

which cannot be “jsonified” because of \ chars.
On the server side, i changed to have only the filename and not the full path, so i get

{ “status”: “server”, “sname”:“dsn-cockpit-test.txt”}

and it works.

Note that sname is sended by the client.

This did not happen with chrome on windows because the uploder did not send the full path but only the file name.


You can use some kind of json_encode to form the JSON data. Such api will correctly escape special chars in the object properties.