In Pivot Table, how to disable/hide the '[Click to configure]' feature?

With the PivotTable, how can I disable/hide the ‘[Click to configure]’ feature in the upper-left corner?

There is not such an option in pivot. But it is possible with the following workaround:

  • Try to block event bubbling in header cell as in:

var html = "<div class='message' onclick='event.cancelBubble=true;'></div>";
webix.i18n.pivot.pivotMessage = html ;
  • Also you will need customize css. 10px padding should be removed from the first header cell in order to make the div mentioned above full-size:
.webix_pivot .webix_first .webix_hcell{

We will add “readonly” config option in the next pivot’s build, it will allow to enable|disable configuration panel.

Great! Thanks.

How to add sorting to the first column, after disabling configuration?