I use accordion view in which i have a toolbar, and in it I want to add a form view. Unfortunately, form isn’t very well integrated to accordion design. How can I merge accordion view with form view using webix ?
Please check
thanks but my problem is a bit different, because I want to put input form in my toolbar and not outside.
{ type:"toolbar", id:"main-toolbar", height:45, width:"100%",
cols: [
{ view:"button", type:"icon", icon:"chevron-left", label:"Back", id:"button-back", width:100,
{view:"form", id:"idForm", cols:[
{ view:"combo", options:[], container:"main-toolbar", label:"File type", id:"combo-filetype2", name:"fileType", width:300,
{ view:"combo", options:[], container:"main-toolbar", label:"File sub type", id:"combo-filetype", name:"subfileType", width:300,
{ view:"search", align:"left", placeholder:"Value date...", id:"search", name:"valueDate", width:150}
As mentionned, adding form, webix create a blank space which surrounds my input form.
I’m not quite sure why do you need a form, as toolbar provides the same API as form, so you can place those inputs directly in to a form.
Anyway, you can use form in the toolbar, check the updated snippet