Input has zero width after show()

I have the probem described in the Title.
I need to show/hide some text inputs depend on select control value.
Sometime some text inputs are visible after show() call (isVisible() return true).
But corresponding input element has width:0, so it is not visible really.

I need any help.

Wrapping div’s also have 0px width


could you share a snippet ?

If you are using native HTML solution for show|hide operations ( setting display:none to section of the page for example ) you may need to call input.resize() after making the relative HTML container visible

If you are using webix API to show|hide parts of UI, there is no need in extra resize calls.

My code is:


Actually after execution IpAddressLabel and PortLabel are visible, but IpAddressView and PortView aren’t because of zero width. If I change width of the input HTML element and two wrapping divs then the input became visible.

Any advise?

Additional information: calls to



$$(“PortView”).config.width = 200

don’t help.

But view become visible after resize of browser window.

Nasty workaround:

Resize form view for 1px and restore its size.
All inputs become visible.

Maybe you can provide a demo link or a snippet where the issue occurs? Code similar to above one works for me correctly, so I can’t reconstruct the issue.

OK, I will try, but it needs some time - the code used in web-interface of embeded system.
BTW I can give access via TeamViewer.