interpolation of Meteor Blaze template w/o reactive data

Hi - Love Webix! And I have it working fine w/ Meteor - Thanks!

What I need to do is have my Webix component reference a Meteor template which gets interpolated. This does not reference any data.

Given what I have below, I would expect to see the text “Hello” in the toolbar.

My nav.js:

            {view:"label", width: 200, template: "<div>AccountsTemplates</div>"},
	       { id:"menuHome",value:"Home", href: "/"},
	       { id:"menuPrivate",value:"Private", href: "/private"}
	    { id:"at-nav-button", template: "{{>atNavButton}}", width:100, align: "right" }
    }, this.find("nav"));

my atNavButton template:

<template name="atNavButton">
  <div id="atNavButton">Hello</div>


You can use a similar approach

{ id:"at-nav-button", view:"reactive", template: "atNavButton", width:100 }

Thanks maksim - that got me a small step forward.
I added the code to and it helped.

I still have a couple of things:
  1. The generated html is not a Button.
  2. Rendered HTML:
  • processing Meteor Spacebar expression (e.g. {{text}}) from w/in Webix referenced template does not occur
    • In the original question above, the atNavButton template had "Hello" hard coded. That shows up in the div as shown above. Possibly this isn't working as the Webix Button component isn't even rendered but I'm including for completeness.
    • If I change that "Hello" to "{{text}}" and have my helper as this:
    • I am expecting to see either the value of {{text}} or the label "Sigin!!" where the button should be. But neither display.

    Again thanks for the help!!! I’m really excited about Meteor/Webix integration possibilities.

    Note: my working project is available here if needed.

    The running application in debug mode is here:


    In case anyone else is interested in Meteor & Webix integration, I’ve a project you can reference and see how I approached this.

    Namely, when using Meteor, I exclusively use Webix HTML initialization. It works like a dream. Using this approach, there is no limitation wrt templates referencing templates (at least that I’ve run into…)

    My project is Meteor UserAccounts with Webix and the associated example project is Meteor UserAccounts BoilerPlate Example. The running application (not complete) is

    Note: I haven’t tried a “reactive” template using Webix HTML initialization.

    is view:“reactive” still supported in Webix 4.0.16?


    Webix itself doesn’t contain a code of “view:reactive”, it was available from webix package for Meteor - GitHub - dandv/meteor-webix: Meteor.js - Webix UI integration

    Thanks for the clarification!

    I see this points to Webix repo on GitHub - webix-hub/webix-meteor-data: Meteor Data adapter for Webix UI

    Is the Meteor data adapter still working with the newer version of Webix? If not tested, any changes suspected due to newer Webix (from 2.x to 4.x)?

    Not tested with Webix 4.0, but we are very careful with backward compatibility, and there was no any breaking changes in data API since version 2.0, so all functionality must work correctly.