Issue - Display on datatable


I have created mockup of a resource allocation tool with webix and I have some issues with datatable.

Example: Code

Version tested: 2.4.7


  • Multi select: the width list is limited to the datatable column (and in this case the data is not visible) . Example: Click on Team filter.

  • Issue on header display when I click on 15.35 and after 15.32 in example.
    You see a glitch on week on header 15.35

Do you have solution to resolve the issues ?


As for multi-select filter, it is possible to change the current behavior through API.

example1.getFilter("team").getPopup().config.fitMaster = false;

Currently, there is no way to define fitMaster directly in filter’s config. It will be fixed in one of the next update.

As for the header related issue. I can confirm the problem. It is already fixed in dev. code. The fixed build will be available in next two days.

Thanks for the feedback and really fast response.

The issue is fixed with 2.5.


But in this release we have a new issue when we select multiple cells. During the operation the display of selection is wrong (but when we release the mouse button the selection is ok).
With my code above, you can left-click and select one cell (e.g. development data) and select 2 or more element cells in same line.
I have this issue with Chrome 43 and IE 11

Yep, the new blockselection mode works not so well for splits in datatable. Change

 blockselect: true,

to the

 blockselect: "box",

to return the previous selection mode, which will work correctly.

blockselect: "select",

this one will also work correctly


is the issue with popup width fixed?

Yep, you can use inputConfig property in filter’s config to configure the input and the suggest of the filter.

thank you @maksim. but in the sample there should be “width” instead of “suggestWidth”

is there a way to “autowidth” datatable’s headerMenu? long captions do not fit into.

Sure, you can use the autowidth:true setting: