We tried to migrate to latest webix and read the changes in the site but some strange issue has occured. We have a form where we use bottomLabel and we change its value based on the value of a form control (counter widget) as below:
{view:"counter", name:'frmReqFld_Len', id:"frmReqFld_Len", label:"Field Length", step:1, value:1, min:1, max:100000,
onChange:function(newv, oldv){
if ($$("frmReqFld_FieldType").getValue() == 4 && newv >9999) {
//console.log("Im in!");
$$("frmReqFld_Len").define("bottomLabel", "Unlimited repetitions");
} else {
$$("frmReqFld_Len").define("bottomLabel", "");
Screenshot with webix 3.1.2:
Screenshot with webix 3.2.4:
With help of console.log found out that code block executes so there in both cases. so it has something to do with the bottomLabel. In addition, managed to get old behaviour by replacing webix.css with webix.css from 3.1.2 version. This is a
company project and we need to be consistent and avoid such things. Would appreciate any help or other solution than replacing webix.css with an older one.
Thank you