Issue on dynamic loading of tree data with more than one level nested items


I’m trying to use a tree component to display a disk folder tree using dynamic json loading.
I started with the

Altough the demo works properly qith no subfolders in the tree, when I add more subfolders it’s giving the error message :
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘loadBranch’ of undefined / webix_debug.js:10069” (v1.5)

I created a test page to reproduce this issue :
If we try to open the “List” folder under the “Data Branch” folder, the error occurs.

Could you please check if I’m missing something with tree configuration or data structure?

I can confirm the issue. Your code is correct, problem is in the lib.
Fix will be available as part of oncoming Webix 1.5.1 ( February 28)

Thank you!

Fixed build ( v.1.5.1 ) is available at github - Releases · webix-hub/webix · GitHub