My team uses Jasmine and Karma to write unit tests for our javascript.
I have created a popup window very similar to the configuration popup for the Webix pivot grid.
I am trying to write a unit test that via jQuery drags an item from one list on the popup to another. I want to write unit tests for the functions that are triggered on these actions.
I’ve done this successfully in the past using the following jQuery
var $el = $(…item in source list…);
var fromPos = $el.offset();
var toPos = $(…destination list…).offset();
$el.trigger(jQuery.Event(“mousedown”, {which: 1, pageX: fromPos.left + 10, pageY: + 2}));
$el.trigger(jQuery.Event(“mousemove”, {which: 1, pageX: toPos.left + 10, pageY: + 2}));
$el.trigger(jQuery.Event(“mouseup”, {which: 1, pageX: toPos.left + 10, pageY: + 2}));
This doesn’t seem to cause anything to happen with the Webix controls. The onBeforeDropOut and OnBeforeDrag events I am trying to test are not triggered.
I know this is a long shot, but if anyone has any ideas how I could simulate drag and drop via javascript so I can unit test the window I build via Webix I would appreciate it.