list view not working properly with url and paginated data

              id: 'list'
              view: 'list'
              select: true
              pager: 'pager'
              url: 'drfProxy->/api/url/'
              template: '#first_name# #last_name#'

              id: 'pager'
              view: 'pager'
              template: "{common.first()} {common.prev()} {common.pages()} {}"
              size: 10
              group: 1


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
webix.RenderStack._toHTML @ webix_debug.js:9135 @ webix_debug.js:632
webix.RenderStack.render @ webix_debug.js:9251
(anonymous function) @ webix_debug.js:11322
(anonymous function) @ webix_debug.js:242
webix.EventSystem.callEvent @ webix_debug.js:543
webix.DataStore.refresh @ webix_debug.js:10077
webix.DataStore._parse @ webix_debug.js:9968
webix.DataLoader.webix.proto._onLoad @ webix_debug.js:9746
webix.ajax.$callback @ webix_debug.js:2693
apiCallback.success @ app.js?nocache=1456374416455:72
webix.ajax.$callback @ webix_debug.js:2693
x.onreadystatechange @ webix_debug.js:2568

I have noticed that it adds an item to list with id = total_count - 1, can’t figure out why…

my drfProxy works perfectly with datatable


it looks like you are trying to use dynamic loading for the component that does not support it. Only Datatable, Tree, Treetable and Dataview can be coupled with this functionality.

So, you can use Dataview instead of List. With the xCount:1 setting it will look exactly as List. Paging is also possible.

{view:"dataview", xCount:1}

I Have the same probleme with a List.
On snippet everything is OK for dynamic load in List, but on my projet it’s KO.
view: “list”,
id: “messageData”,
select: true,

load: dns

The data is : {“data”:[{…}], “pos”:0, “total_count”:193}
Thank’s for your help.