list, webix jet and backbutton

Hi, i have a question about list view and webix jet.

I have some list views. for example, if i press one action button to show another subview with webix jet and then i go back to the previous list view, i want this list view to show the previous data it had.

I know i have this function to reload, but i would like not to do that and focus on the list item the user was before showing subview

$onurlchange: function (config, url, $scope) {

Is there a way to do this? this issue is very important for me.

thanks and regards!

You can pass the id of a list item into the url that will be loaded by pressing the “Back” button, e.g.: index.html#!/top/data:id=3

$onurlchange:function(config, url, $scope){
      if( && $$("data:table").exists(

Please check the following demo: GitHub - webix-hub/jet-demos at 18_url_params

What concerns reloading, you need to perform it anyway, even if you deal with static data. But you can avoid unnecessary requests to server by creating a client-side DataCollection.

You load data from server to the DataCollection once and then and perform sync() with this collection in the $oninit handler.