Load data into Select popup from external resource (simplified).

I’m trying to load data into a Select popup from external resource, similar to a solution with Richselect, that was provided by Maxim earlier.

It there a way to do this for Select?

There is no built-in loading api for the select control.
You can use webix.ajax to load the data and fill the options list, similar to the next



Tried. Something does not work. Nothing happens on attempt to load data.


You need to update the above code a bit, based on format of xml

If you are using xml like

	<item value='a' id='1' />
	<item value='b' id='2' />

In js code you need to use

this.define("options", data.xml().data.item);

data.xml() returns all data from xml as json, while define command must receive only array of options.

Perfect. Thanks.