Is there a way to load a webix ui defined in another file/page url without using Iframe?
Is there a way to load a webix ui defined in another file/page url without using Iframe?
Please take a look at the information about Dynamic UI and loading ui via ajax
Hi Maria,
Thank You for the reply.
I am using ASP.net MVC Razor and I store the ui configuration in .vbhtml file as JavaScript text inside.
Can I replace config.json to vbhtlml file?
webix.ajax(“config.vbhtml”, function(text){
webix.ui(webix.DataDriver.json.toObject(text), $$(‘mylayout’), $$(‘mydatatable’));
Yes, you can use any file, while it includes the config of UI only
( that means no any html, no script tags, just a raw JSON configuration )
Okay Thanks maksim