Loading Data into DataTable (CSV)

Hi, please somebody help me.
I’m loading data from CSV file to datatable.
If there is a lot of data in the CSV file, I want to only 100 data.
All I want is to load only 100 pieces so that the size of the file doesn’t affect page loading.
Who can help me?

to reduce the loading time, then its better to reduce the file size from server side not from client, but if you still want to to show only the first 100 entries, then you can use maybe this function:

const csvList = webix.csv.parse({yourCSVFile}, ";")
$$("my-list").parse(csvList.filter((_,index)=>index < 100));

I hope it helps and happy new year.

Thank you for your answer.
I’m sorry, but does {yourCSVFile} mean a my file path?
My code is simple like this.

    autoConfig : true,
    autoheight: true,
    url: "filestorage/sampleData.csv",   

What should I write there?

I would write like this Code Snippet
So after the loading I split the csv than I filter the minimum line than I join the array again.
Maybe the Webix team knows a more elegant way.