meteor and webix.css download order

I would like to be able to have control over the downloading order of the webix css (I am using skin flat).
It is quite annoying today because I want the webix css to be downloaded after my normalize.less file of bootstrap…
With Meteor 1.2 there is support for less cross-package imports and therefore I am using a single stylesheet (main.less) where I define my imports from external packages in the order I want:
@import "{package-name}/stylesheet-name-first.less"; @import "{package-name}/stylesheet-name-second.less";
Since a css file is a compatible less file, is there a way by renaming webix.css to webix.less to use this technique and add it to my main.less file?
Or is there another way you know I can control when the webix.css is downloaded to the client?
Thank you

You can grab the source less file for the flat skin by the next link

Thank you.
However, even if I remove the webix:flat-skin package, the css still is sent to the client.
I saw these lines of code in webix_webix.js that I think are responsible for that:

  if (module.substr(-4) == ".css") {
    var link = webix.html.create("LINK", { type: "text/css", rel: "stylesheet", href: webix.codebase+module});

Can you tell me how to avoid webix to add the css automatically so that I can take control and use the flat.less file?


Unfortunately, as far as I can see, the only solution is to fully remove the Webix package for meteor and use your own js and css(less) files.