Minimum Height for Lists

I have what I think is a pretty basic ‘list’ populated by data that has various lengths. In the examples on-line you use ‘type’ to set a fixed height to each list item. I thought I would be able to set height to ‘auto’ (but keep fixed width) to allow for expansion of height as needed. That seemed to work. However, I wanted to have a MINIMUM height when the data length was small. I can’t seem to get ‘minHeight’ to work no matter what I try. Any thoughts?

You can set a css class for the list, and define min-height and any other styling through css.

Yes - that does work fine. I was trying to force myself to learn Webix and make sure I am using it fully. I have a tendency to do what I know and miss some core functionality. It seemed from the API and such that it should work. Thanks.