Mobile Scheduler


Dear Support,

Because of the a large amount of events in JSON, while using a mobile device(3G network), the users have to wait for a few seconds(5 to 10 sec) in order to view their events in scheduler.

Therefore, I would like to ask, is there any function or sample for displaying message to notice user have to wait while events are loading in?


You can use dynamic loading and enable output gzip compression on your server to improve performance.

Dynamic Loading in our docs:

is there any function or sample for displaying message to notice user have to wait while events are loading in?

You can use progress functionality:

webix.extend($$(“scheduler”), webix.ProgressBar);

Hi Maria, thanks for your your help

I tried below code and it works.


But, How do I post a parameter(e.g. “username”) to the php?


If “username” can be sent via GET, you can include it in url:


If you want to send “username” as POST parameter, you need to create own loading proxy (built-in “post” proxy does not allow to pass post parameters):

For example:

webix.proxy.myPost = {
   load:function(view, callback){
     var params = view.myLoadParams||{};
     webix.ajax().bind(view).post(this.source, params, callback);
$$("scheduler").myLoadParams= {username: "Peter"};

Thanks Maria~

Dear Maria,

One bug is found.

When I jump to another month in month view (eg. from May 2015 to Dec 2015).

The Dec events will not be loaded immediately, until I press the day inside the month view

Could you please advise?

please refer:


There are not events on the 1 Dec in your demo.

Yes, but there are events in 25, 26 Dec

Scheduler preselects the 1st day of a chosen month or today.

When I use the developer mode in my browser, I find that it doesn’t call
get_activity_list.php after I jump to another month unless I click one of day of the month.

The Scheduler should call the get_activity_list.php immediately after I select a month right?

Otherwise, user will confuse that that month do not have any event. Actually, there is event in 25,26 Dec

Yes, there is a bug with month selection. We will add the fix into the next build.

Thanks a lot~