Multiple collapsible columns

I 've been trying to get multiple collapsible columns, but having issues with it.

Have a look at this snippet:

Months collapse properly but I can’t get Quarters and “2014” to collapse. Mainly because I can’t give 2 batch IDs to a header. Any help will be appreciated.

Default mechanic will not work for such case, as column can be a member of only one batch

Check the next example, I have define columnMultiGroup here, which works as necessary in your case (its “batch” value is a comma separated list of included batches )

This solution is not perfect, but will work fine for your use-case.
We will consider adding something similar in the next build.

The snippet works perfectly fine. But if I copy the code to project, it doesn’t work.

What could be the issue?

Using Webix 2.1.1 Pro

Online sample uses the same version of Webix

You have copied the columnMultiGroup definition from top of snippet and have used content:“columnMultiGroup” in the header configuration with comma separated list of batches, right ?

Yes, My code works in a snippet, but not locally.
Using 2.1.1 css and js

I just have used code with above snippet in local sample and it works for me :frowning:

If you have the online demo - please share it ( if you have a support subscription - please open a ticket )

Tried to debug. The issue is that when trying locally the value of “col” parameter is coming out as string(id of column config), but it comes out as an object in snippet.
Am I doing something wrong?

I don’t have a support subscription.

Was most probably a cache issue. Fixed. Thanks!

Can you check value of “webix.version” in js console ? Is it really 2.1 ?

I don’t see how it can occurs in latest Webix.

As quick solution you can add something like next

if (typeof col === "string") col = master.getColumnConfig(col);

Is the feature added to current available build(2.1.5 Pro)?
Writing that extra piece of code works but due to a large table, loading time is increased.

We didn’t add any special fixes for the above issue, it just works while testing from our side.
If you have some demo where problem can be reconstructed - please share the link.