Multiselect + Proxy

I’ve created a proxy in order to do custom save logic with my datatable, and basic update/delete works fine. I am now trying to get deleting of multiple rows working; however, when enabling multiselect and then invoking “dtable.remove([row1, row2])”, I get two separate “delete” requests to my Proxy’s save method rather than a single request. Using saveAll results in the same issue: I get two separate requests, whereas I would expect the “update” parameter to be an array containing both rows.

Is there any example anywhere on how to use the multiselect feature with a custom proxy?

The point is that the REST architecture (which is used in our proxy) assumes that only one data item can be deleted in one request. Defining the custom saveAll, you can try to save the changes using the “post” request.

Perhaps an example would better describe my issue:

You can multi-select with the shift key and then hit “Delete row”. You will see in the output log that saveAll will output two separate messages for multi-select delete, because it invokes saveAll twice. My understanding is it should pass an array with two items and only call saveAll once.


The component attempts to send data ASAP, so when you are deleting multiple rows, it will try to save data after each row deleting.

You can disable this behavior ( autoupdate:false ) and send data only when you need it ( webix.dp(id).send() )