ng-click is not working when using Converting html table to DataTable


I have created one table using Bootstrap and populating the data in the table using Angular ng-repeat.

Now when I am using below script, to convert my table into data table the ng-repeat and ng-click function stops working and my table shows on one row.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
		$(document).ready(function() {

Below is the sample which I have used for populating data using angular and converting table in data table using webix script.

Can you please suggest, whether this approach is correct or not because I am not able to proceed without this.

"<" div class='table-responsive'  align='center' " >"
  "<"table  class='table' ">"
   "<" tr class=active ">"
   "<"tr data-ng-repeat='record in mydata' ">"
    "<" select class='form-control input-sm ' ">"
	      "<"option value='Yes'">"Yes"<"/option">"
          "<"option value='No'">"No"<"/option">"
      "<"div class="input-group" style="width: 75%;" ">"
      "<"input class="form-control input-sm" type="text" placeholder="Prd" ng-model="prd"  id="{{'prd'+record}}" ">"
      "<""img src='../common/images/iconSearch.gif' id="{{'img'+record}}" class="img-responsive" alt="Responsive image" alt="Search Product" ng-click="openMrktRes(record)" /">"


"<"script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">"
        	$(document).ready(function() {

This is expected. The component convert HTML markup to the Widgets once during the initial initialization. Component will not track any further HTML modifications, so any later changes with ng-repeat will not be reflected in the Webix DataTable.