On the server side I work with cherrypy, python and websockets for python (ws4py). What’s the best solution for a life data update when I cannot use faye?
As far as I can see, ws4py is a low level library. It povides only web-socket but not any higher entities ( channels, subscriptions, etc. ) It possible to use Webix with raw web sockets APi but it will require a log of code.
If you know any Python library, which can be used on top of ws4py ( or instead of it ), I may be able to suggest the necessary client side solution.
Thank’s for your answer!
I have implemented websockets as follows (simplified version):
- the client opens a websocket with: “function socketInit(socketId, onmessageFunction)”
- the client can send a message with: “function sendMessageToServer(socketId, message)”
- the server can send a message with “def notifySubscribers(socketId, message):”
Maybe this helps you to suggest the necessary client side solution.