I have a normal HTML text input field that gets included within my webix app by using the “content” property.
It is included inside a webix form (there are many other webix inputs), but this input doesnt get submitted with the form.
The reason I am using a normal HTML input field instead of a webix input field is because this particular input needs to be inside a div with a certain class and some other fields.
Do i need to do something extra before submitting the form? Any help would be great!
There are two controls “form” that can contain webix controls inside and “htmlform” - element with same API which can work with native HTML controls inside.
Unfortunately there is no way to mix HTML and native fields. You can create a custom wrapper for html inputs, like next
Thanks Maksim, that is how I did it in the end. One more question though, how can I make the native html input field required? As using the “required” attribute does nothing. Is it even possible? Thanks
It works actually, you just need to add a custom styling for the html input.