Hello -
I have a datatable with editable:true property. I’d like to perform some action after validation such us “update DB record”. How can I get editor information out of the onAfterValidation or even better the onValidationSuccess?
Right now I have everything working with onAfterEditStop (I can validate) however I don’t have custom messages per each field.
I also tried the code below however it shows me the error 2 times:
function(state, editor ){
if(state.value != state.old) {
if (users.validate()) {
var userId = editor.row;
var field = editor.column;
var newValue = editor.getValue();
/* db update */
function(result, value) {
if (!result){
var text = [];
for (var key in value) {
if (key == "first")
text.push("Firt name can't be empty");
if (key == "last")
text.push("Last name can't be empty");
if (key == "company")
text.push("Caompany can't be empty");
if (key == "email")
text.push("Invalid email");
webix.message({ type:"error", text:text.join("<br>") });
else {
/* I'm not sure how to get info from editor */
Thank you!