Hi, I am trying to implement page functionality. i want to define functionality such as prev(), next(), first(), last() , i am getting the data from backend, for which i am sending the values such as start(from where to start), counter(how much to fetch) HTML Custom Pager in http://docs.webix.com/desktop__paging.html,
here, pager:{ template : function(data, common){ return common.next(); }, container:"box", size:30, group:5 } i can return just one functionality to operate on ex: common.next().
Please help me understand how i can implement the functionality of pager which specific functionlity.
yeah thanks , Now i am displaying 5 sets of data, for every click on > i am making a call to server to fetch data. but every time this happens their has to be increase in the number displayed at {common.page()} which is static( ie., 1) but its not incremented . can i write a custom functionality to increment the page number while ruling out its default?