_parse_value called 3 times by UI window (webix 3.0.8)

I’ve accidentally found that _parse_value method (text, datepicker, etc) is called up to 3 times when setting values (twice when using “value” property for default setting, 3 times if “data” is used), possibly causing performance issues. I think that _rendered_input=true could solve this.


var myForm={…rows:[{view:“datepicker”, id:“myDate”}…]};


myForm.data={…myDate: “2015-11-15”…}


var myWindow={…body:myForm…};




_parse_value is DatePicker method only. The view calls this method from both $setValue and getValue methods. So, yes - this method can be called several times. However, it contains inner checks and can’t cause performance issues.

it contains inner checks and can’t cause performance issues

For the empty value method does not execute any parsing logic

Ok. Thanks